Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 26 February 1970


Endless dreams
Mere dreams –
Each followed by a fainter one !

Seems all the fairer ones are gone .

From the mist of my mind ,
Looked I yonder
To behold ,
Sweet angels dancing
-     A butterfly touched my eyes
And whispered ,
“ Come
I am waiting for you
Destined for you “.

A fierce sun shone
The mist was gone ;
Where art thou ?
O beloved one !
Kash ! I too were a dream

Little gentle dream .



कहाँ तक तेरी राह तकती रहूं ?

From original English : Dreams : of 26 Feb 1956


सपने अनंत
किन्तु सिर्फ सपने ,

एक के बाद अनेक
धुंधले , अस्पष्ट सपने ;

सुहाने थे जो
वो तो
बिना रुके उड़ गए !

छाया है जो
कोहरा मनमे ,
वहाँ कुछ परियां नाचती है ;

कहाँ से ये तितली आके
मेरी आँखों की पलक पर आ बैठी ?

और गुनगुनायी :

" आ भी जा ,
मैं हूँ तेरे भाग में लिखा
वो सपना ,

कहाँ तक
तेरी राह तकती रहूं ? "

फिर कड़ी धुप लेके
निकला सूरज ,
और कोहरा बिखरा ;

कहाँ हो तूं
प्रिये ?

काश !

किसी के मन का
मैं भी एक ख्वाब होता ,

एक नाजो-पला
सुहाना ख्वाब !


17 Sept 2019 / Mumbai


Wednesday 18 February 1970

Hide the Shadow ?

Nor could this darkness
Hide the shadow
Of my sorrow ;
Why cling then
O Life ,
Till tomorrow ?

Let it strike ,
A peaceful , quieting
Knife ,
To end forever
Now unbearable

Strife .


18 Feb 1962


Tuesday 3 February 1970

A Shadow Shows no Scars

You have no witness
My soul
Of your silent suffering ,
This body
 Bears no mark ;

This serene countenance
This deceptive calm
What epic tales of struggle
You alone know ;

My soul
There is no witness
Of your myriad miseries ;
Of your battle
Against mortal bonds
This shadow

Shows no scars.
