What a fool am I ,
Or really am I ?
I know not .
Why ?
I am not .
What I feel ,
Many more have felt
Since the dawn of knowledge ,
Take Adam and Eve !
And this is the way
The man shall live
From here
To eternity .
To be sure
In that I was a fool –
To have donned this cloak
Of the make – believe ways
Of a super being !
And small wonder
They accepted me
The way
I made me appear to be ;
When I should have been
More humble
In accepting the call
Of my own nature .
But looking down
From across the ages ,
With a face so serene
What have you to say
O , Trimurty ?
Does the God manifest in you
As the Creator ,
The Preserver
And the Destroyer ?
And that ,
Being a part of God
Shall always act