I wasn't born yesterday
I am not likely to die
this afternoon
( God willing ! ) ;
But the pity of everything
this entire
scheme of life,
is also the same !
That things should happen,
God willing ;
And that the lumps
of desires
in my breast
should turn ,
-- not into the milk of
human happiness
into some grotesqe
cancerous growth !
Neither ones that I
could get rid thru
mastectomy - radical or otherwise !
These must continue to
and grow
and bigger ever grow ,
till the serpentine
the evil twine
not only my body
but my soul as well ,
decaying beyond all repair ;
So , what do I do ?
Despair ?
Prey to the Lord Almighty,
to kindly cut,
so that,
in the least should it hurt ;
And when I succumb,
at least,
let her know
for whom,
unfortunately , I was born
a Cancerian and not
a Capricorn
06 Mar 1978