Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 27 July 1970

A Mighty Foe

Where is that sword ,
O lord of war ?
Where is that steel
Thirsting for my blood ?
“ On Guard “ , I say
And dare you to a duel ;

Jupiter O ,
With lightening strike ,
Strike with what you may ,
Waste no mercy
Nor spare thy wrath ;
And though descend to dust
I may ,
In Man ,

You have a mighty foe !


Saturday 18 July 1970

Behind the dark Veil

This is a very cruel life
That keeps us apart
From morn to night ,
To find
The weary day retire
Behind the dark veil
And us embrace
Reconciled ,
In our enraptured  love
Like mountain streams
To find the other
Down the hills

Cascade .


18 July 1957
